Saturday, June 2, 2012

Farewell Australia

The last day... We had a farewell dinner the night before at the hotel restaurant, Bushfire Grill. It was a restaurant that served side dishes and then walked around with different types of meat and put it on our plates for us. We had beef, chicken, pork, chicken heart, lamb, and grilled pineapple. It was delicious! Graham (our tour guide) gave a little speech about how we were a great group. He was very nice! Afterward, some of us attempted to have a farewell night at Giligan's again, but made one drink and were falling asleep in our booth lol. We finished packing and got up for an early 3:30 am departure for the airport.

Little fuzzy of a sunrise from the airplane window
I was not ready to leave Australia at all. I feel like the time flew by! We finally made it to the airport and left for Brisbane. We all were asleep before we even left the runway lol. I did wake up for the sunrise which was very pretty! After a three hour layover, we boarded our long flight to LA. I'm very glad I was exhausted, because I slept hard for most of the flight which made it go faster. I couldn't even start a movie without falling asleep lol. After waiting in line for Customs, we had another layover for the flight to Dallas, then the home stretch-the flight to KCI! After hours and hours on a plane and in airports, we needed a shower and a bed, but we made it home! Lol My mom picked me up and we had a good ole Big Mac from McD's on the way home lol.

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